Five Ways to Add Home Value with Landscapes
Anywhere Integrated Services
March 23, 2023

Landscaping is a major way for homeowners to add value to their home. A recent study done by the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI) indicated that nine out of 10 Americans say it’s important to have a landscape at their home. According to results, the majority of Americans have a yard comprised of grass (86 percent), trees/bushes/shrubs (80 percent), pavers/cement/bricks/patio (51 percent) and landscaping rocks/gravel. In case you are considering listing your property soon, here are five ways family yards and landscapes can add value.
1. They add curb appeal. Curb appeal is an important factor in determining overall property value. Studies show that improving overall curb appeal, which includes a beautiful lawn and landscape, can boost property values by as much as 17 percent, according to Texas Tech University.
2. The trees are assets. The value of trees goes beyond perception and preference and right into the pocketbook of your clients. According to the International Society of Arboriculture, each front yard tree adds 1 percent to a homeowner’s sale price, while large specimen trees can add as much as 10 percent to property values.
3. They save green with green. Living landscapes impact monthly electric bills. According to the Urban Forest Coalition, 100 million mature trees around U.S. residences save approximately $2 billion annually in energy costs. In fact, strategically placed trees can save up to 56 percent on annual air conditioning bills. In the wintertime, evergreens that block winter winds can save 3 percent on heating costs, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.
4. They can expand living space. During warmer months, yards become outdoor family rooms and are increasingly important to families who want a safe, inviting place for their kids and pets to play. Merging indoor and outdoor environments to increase living space is trending, making outdoor living space important for homebuyers.
5. There are health benefits. Curb appeal is just one way that living landscapes are beyond beautiful. Research has concluded that knowing and experiencing nature – which starts in our own backyards – has the potential to make people generally happier and healthier. Children’s stress levels fall within minutes of seeing green spaces, as noted by the American Journal of Public Health, and kids with more exposure to the outdoors perform better on cognitive testing, according to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Science Daily found that people moving to greener areas experienced an immediate improvement in mental health that was sustained for at least three years.
Source: OPEI,, adapted from an article published by RISMedia
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