When Should Your Clients Hire a Surveyor?


Anywhere Integrated Services


February 20, 2024

A surveyor surveys the land

A surveyor is a professional who determines the exact location of a property line. Many homeowners don’t know the boundaries of their yards and operate under erroneous assumptions, which could lead to disputes between neighbors that are stressful, costly and preventable.  
You need to know the location of the property line before you build 
If you’re thinking about building an addition or constructing a fence, you need to know exactly where the property line is so that you don’t accidentally encroach on your neighbor’s land. If you don’t have your property surveyed and you inadvertently build in your neighbor’s yard, you can find yourself in legal and financial trouble. You may be required to move a fence or have an addition torn down, or you may have to purchase a piece of land from your neighbor to rectify the situation and avoid a lawsuit. 
Local zoning laws typically require that additions and other structures be located a minimum distance from a property line. You’ll need to know precisely where that line lies before you begin building, or even designing, an addition.  
You need to know who owns a tree 
Trees may be located on or near property lines and the location of the line is important because it determines who is responsible for the tree. It can also impact liability if a tree falls in a storm. If the tree is located in your yard and it falls on your neighbor’s property because you failed to have dead branches trimmed, you may be held liable for repair costs. 
You need to know if there are additional factors that affect land ownership 
Sometimes a property owner is granted an easement that gives that party permission to use a portion of someone else’s land for a particular purpose. If an easement exists, you may not be aware of it, but it can affect your rights to build in your yard. A surveyor can research the issue and note any easements in a report. 
You need to know where utilities are located 
Pipes, gas lines and cables are often placed underground. It’s critical to know what’s beneath your property and where it’s located before you or a contractor begins digging for any type of project. A surveyor can find and mark the locations of underground utilities to help you avoid an accident. 
Get accurate information so you can make informed decisions and prevent disputes 
When neighbors get into disagreements about property lines, things can get heated. Often, a dispute stems from a misunderstanding. If you want to build on your property or if you think your neighbor may be violating your rights, hiring a surveyor is a good first step. Once you have accurate, unbiased information, you’ll be able to decide how to proceed.  

*Adapted from an article published by RISMedia 


This material is meant for general illustration and/or informational purposes only. Although the information has been gathered from sources believed to be reliable, no representation is made as to its accuracy. This material is not intended to be construed as legal, tax or investment advice. You are encouraged to consult your legal, tax or investment professional for specific advice. 

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